Website Team:
Revenue Commission Adviser: Jukka Mäkinen
Webmaster: Francisc Ambrus
Website Sponsor: Francisc Ambrus
Site map:
Top menue on the pages
- Site map guide to the pages.
Forum - Collectors announcements and your questions.
Contact - Addresses of the web site team, for questions and suggestions, answers will be given as soon as possible.
- Disclaimers
Main page, center menue. 3" after Log In.
NOTICE BOARD - The most recent newsletter .
DEDICATED to the BEST EXHIBITS - Dedicated to best exhibits awarded.
SEMINARS - Details of revenues seminars.
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS - The Bureau members or other specialists will answer your requests.
AUCTIONS - Auctions of interest to revenue collectors.
REVENUE LIBRARY - New books announcements and review.
INVITED DISPLAYS - The revenue of the month.
EXHIBITIONS - Exhibitions in 2009.
REVENUES STUDY - Study of the month
Left menue on the pages
COMMISSION - Bureau reports and National Delegates
Bureau - Bureau members and short curriculum vitae.
National delegates
- List of National Delegates and contact details.
Reports - The commission reports to the FIP, minutes etc.
NEWSLETTERS - The older archived issues are at the bottom.
MEETINGS - Forthcoming meetings and announcements.
EXHIBITING - Revenue exhibitors results from FIP, FEPA, FIAF and FIAP exhibitions.
Timetable - Details of future shows that offer a revenue class.
GREV - The FIP regulation.
SREV revenue - The FIP SREV for revenue class.
Guidelines & How to...- Information of interest to exhibitors, how to judge exhibits.
Jurors - FIP Jurors for revenue class.
SOCIETIES - Societies and study groups of interest to revenue collectors.
- Books, catalogues, CD's and reviews
Books - Books and book reviews.
Articles- Articles from revenue collectors.
DISPLAYS - Revenue exhibitors gallery and instructions on how to add your exhibit.
Presentations - Dedicated page PowerPoint presentation, underlying Revenues Seminars.
Thematic & classes - Discussion of possible changes to the FIP Revenue Class, add your point of view!
- Links and useful connections to other philatelic web pages.
Information to help you navigate the site:
The site was constructed for a good visualization at a resolution of 1024*768 using CSS styles( at the browsers, Internet Explorer 6 or 7th you cannot see the all of the .png transparency). Some pages have more articles and using expand/collapse effects.
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