Since the London World Exhibition 2010, we want to present exhibits awarded Large Gold and Gold medals with our congratulations to exhibitors. We want this page to be a positive incentive for all the revenue class exhibitors, their work and awards being presented to the entire world for posterity.
winner of the Best in Class Awards
Jukka Mäkinen, Finland, Sweden, the First Revenue Stamp Issue of 1811-1844, 95 points, Large Gold
Christopher Podger, United Kingdom, Cyprus Revenue Stamps of Ottoman Period to King George V, 95 points, Large Gold. 2nd time LG awarded to F.I.P. exhibitions and once to F.E.P.A. exhibition.
John Dahl, United Kingdom, Revenues of Macau and Portuguese East Timor from 1879, 90 points, Gold
Kwok Pui Mak, Hong Kong, The First Set of Revenue Stamp of China and its Overprint, 93 points, Gold